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Cookies policy

ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679

Dear User,

this website sends your browser cookies, that is strings of text saved on your device‘s hard disk each time you visit a website and which contain information about browsing.

The main purpose of cookies is to improve your browsing experience. Cookies collect information about the pages you visit, registering products and information you look for more frequently, allowing our website to work efficiently and offer you the best possible services, besides giving information for statistical or commercial purposes, in order to customize the browsing experience.

1 Data Controller

The Data Controller (from now on “Controller”), pursuant to art. 4 and art. 26 of the Regulation, is Master Italy S.r.l., with registered office in SP 37 Conversano-Castiglione km 0,700 – 70014 Conversano (Bari) – Italy (from now on “Master Italy”), which – under its prerogatives – can take advantages of the collaboration of Data Processors or authorized people, explicitly appointed, pursuant art.2- quaterdecies of D. Lgs. 196/2003.

2 Kinds of cookies

Cookies can be saved for as long as you browse the website (so called “session cookie”), or they can be saved in your browser for a determined period of time and unrelated to the current session (so called “persistent cookie”). Cookies work in combination with the website’s content, in order to collect and register information. Cookies cannot forward viruses or malware.

Cookies set by the domain of the website you are visiting, identified by the domain name you can see in the address bar, are called “First Party cookies”. First Party cookies are normally used to remember about you while you browse through different pages or when you later come back to the website. These cookies can be read only by the domain which set them.

Cookies set by domains different from the one in the address bar are called “Third Party cookies”. Third Party cookies are used to follow users in the websites they visit, to display targeted ads, for example.

Cookies used on this website can be classified according to their aim and features.

This website uses the following kinds of cookies:

  • Technical Cookies, used for example to identify the user and allow him to browse during the session (es. ASP.NET_SessionId – pertaining the browsing session), or that enable functions without which the website cannot be fully used. These cookies are saved by the computer only during the present session of the browser.


  • Performance and Functionality Cookies, allow to remember some choices of the user in further visits, for example, or to get generic information about the user (the so called “analytics”, that have only statistical purposes and collect aggregated information without the possibility of identifying the single user);


  • Profiling cookies, to trace the user’s browsing on our website and to create profiles about his tastes, habits, choices, etc. Via these cookies it is possible to send advertisements according to the preferences the user has already shown during his online experience. These cookies will be used only with the user’s consent. Personal data collected by these cookies are processed for no longer than 12 months from the moment of consent.

In particular, the user’s content shall be required for the access to the following website:

  • Third Party Cookies, to estimate the efficacy of advertisements and to customize their content (e.g. Doubleclick). These cookies are set directly by site managers and servers not related to this website.

If you wish to change Third Party Cookies settings, you can find information about how to manage cookies for some of the most common browsers here:

We inform you that, if you disable these cookies, some functions on our website might not work completely, limiting your experience.

As the Controller cannot fully control the installation of cookies or other tracking systems by third parts, every specific reference to cookies or tracking systems installed by third parts must be considered as indicative. To get complete information, you can read the privacy policy of services listed in this document.

Considered the objective complexity of identification of cookies based technologies, you can contact Data Controllers in case you’d like to receive any further information about the use of cookies via this website.

o Sito Web.

3 Changes to this policy

Any future change to this Policy shall be written on this page. We suggest you to visit it regularly in order to check any possible update or change.


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