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Privacy policy for newsletter subscription

pursuant to art. 13 of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679

Dear Customer and Supplier,

Master’s group newsletter is published in the online archive on our website and sent automatically via email to those specifically asking for it and authorizing Master Italy S.r.l. to their data processing, by filling the online form on this page.

Pursuant to art.13 of the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, from now on “Regulation”) and of D.lgs. 196/2003 as modified by D.lgs. 101/2018, we inform you that you personal information, given by you or acquired during your registration, shall be processed according to current regulations and principles of lawfulness, transparency and protection of privacy, as written in art.6 of the Regulation.

1 Data controller

The Data Controller (from now on “Controller”), pursuing art.4 and art.26 of Regulation, is Master s.r.l., with registered office in SP 37 Conversano-Castiglione km 0,570 – 70014 Conversano (Bari) – Italy C.P. 112 (from now on “Master Italy”), which – under its prerogatives – can take advantages of the collaboration of Data Processors or authorized people, explicitly appointed, pursuant to art.2 -quaterdecies of D.Lgs. 196/2003.

2 Purpose of processing

Data given to the Controller, and not belonging to special categories pursuant to art.9 of the Regulation, shall be processed by Master Italy for sending periodical newsletter, containing: technical communications, commercial communications, and promotions of products and services by Master Italy, events, and training updates.

3 Collection of your Personal Data

Data can be provided by you at the moment of your registration after filling the form on this page and/or in stores via paper and/or electronic forms, acquired during visits to our dealers and sellers, or during events and fairs which Master Group takes part or organises or which are organised by members of Master Italy’s selling network or its business Partners, or provided during your interaction with Master Italy’s websites, desktop and mobile applications.

4 Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for data processing as stated in point 3, is the consent you freely provide.

We clarify that, in case you withdraw your consent, you will no longer receive any communication, via any media. If you wish, you can withdraw your consent only for communication received via electronic media (e.g. email, sms, instant messaging), continuing to receive technical and/or commercial communications only via mail or telephone with our operators, where possible.

Moreover, we clarify that providing your personal data for the purpose of sending a newsletter is optional, and a possible denial shall not have consequences on the chance of buying Master group’s products or of receiving information, materials and services required, including post selling services.

5 Ways of processing

Data will be processed by staff and collaborators of Master Italy or companies expressely named as Responsible for data processing (for example for technical maintenance of the website), with the support of computers, telematic, or paper-based tools, according to logics aimed to the goals abovementioned and in any case with procedures and measures that protect security and privacy, and sending informative and/or commercial materials via both traditional (e.g. mail, phone calls) and automated (e.g. emails, sms) means.

6 Time of data conservation

Your personal data are saved by Master Italy for as long as it is required to achieve the goal for which they are collected and to fulfill all the relevant legal obligations.

Your data shall be processed for all the duration of your registration, for as long as it shall be working and/or for as long as it will be necessary to achieve the goal for which they are collected, but in any case no longer than 24 months after registration, and/or until the request by the Owner of possible denial to sending the newsletter, and the will of the Owner to quit receiving the newsletter in the ways periodically possible.

Pursuant to goal written in point 3, and without prejudice to possible communication to third parts according to the law, data can be transferred by us to Countries belonging to European Community, to the following subjects:

Companies related to our Group;
Our staff, properly instructed and informed;
Our selling network;
Our “Customer Service”
Consultants and professionals (website management, web archives, etc.)

7 Rights of the owners

Via communication to be sent to the email address, or writing to our company, the owner has the right, in every moment, to withdraw the rights written in art.15 and following of the Regulation.

It is without prejudice that the owner has the right to withdraw anytime consent to any possible data processing he might have authorized, and to object to his data processing, particularly for marketing purposes.

If the owner wishes, he can also withdraw consent only for communications via computer (e.g. emails, sms, instant messaging), continuing to receive informative and technical communications via mail or phone calls, where possible.

Those considering their data processing via this service violates the Regulation have the right to complaint to the Guarantor, pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, or to apply to the appropriate courts (art. 79 of the Regulation).

8 DPO Contact Data

The Data Protection Officer, designated by the Master Group (art. 37 par. 2 ), can be contacted at this e-mail address

9 Exercise of rights

You can use the abovementioned contacts to have an updated list of our Responsibles for data processing, of the subjects to which data are sent, and to exercise the rights written in art.15 to art.22 of the Regulation. The owner will make his request to the attention, in one of the following ways:

Via email:
Via telefax to this number: +39.080.4959030
Via registered letter to the following address:
SP 37 Conversano-Castiglione Km 0,700 – 70014 Conversano (Bari) – Italy

10 Cancellation of the newsletter service

If you don’t want to receive the newsletter, please write an email to writing “Cancel newsletter subscription” in the object.


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    *Haber bülteniyle ilgili bilgilendirmeyi inceledim ve buna dayanarak, teknik haberleri, ticari haberleri ve Master Italy firmasının ürün ve hizmetleriyle ilgili tanıtımları, etkinlikleri, sergileri ve eğitici güncellemeleri içeren periyodik haber bülteninin gönderilmesine bilinçli olarak onay veriyorum.

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